Capturing Resource Villages (RVs)

This page will talk about Capturing RVs in the kingdoms of ICE, Sands and Fire. It will not discuss resource village attacks in events as that will be covered in their event page.

Many people do find capturing RVs to be a difficult endeavor, we will provide some tips to help you get to them quicker.

Please refer to the kingdom pages to start you off. Going before you are ready is the first hurdle you will put up before you enter a new kingdom. You will need to prepare for that.

After you have reviewed those page you are:
1. As close to the edge as possible, as you picked a direction
2. Have wolfhound or fast troops such as the slayers or assassins. (or level 1 or 2)
3. Built your loot warehouse.
4. Have fast commanders (80) is the max.
5. Have upgraded your stables as much as you can afford (level 3 recommended in sands and fire)
6. Some rubies in reserves.

Those are the basics. If you find that rubies is an issue for you to be able to do 5 and 6 talk to an officer in game about how to earn rubies, and ruby management.

After we have our basics done we will move on to spawning and how to scout and track them.

RV Spawning in the outer kingdoms

Rvs spawn (new) depending upon the new players that enter the kingdoms. Some alliances I know try and organize large member jumps to trigger spawning but it still seems random when they arrive. The new rvs spawn at the edges of the map of each world

Please refer to our in game thread on RVs, for current locations of spawns and spawn patterns to follow.