Ranks and Promotions

The game has given out ranks and positions inside the alliance. We do follow their job description but have tweaked some of the positions to suit our needs.  You can find out what positions we have and learn about what your responsibilities are or how you can get a position that best fits you.

We do not award promotions for donations. You must earn your promotions by displaying loyalty and leadership potential.

We have two promotional paths - Domestic (internal) and Foreign (external).

Below are our ranks and their attendant responsibilities/requirements.

Member - 2-week trial/probationary period: Active player, asks questions, shows a desire to learn the game, be a team player. All members, but especially new members, should be good listeners, good learners and have a good attitude. Listen. Learn. Smile!

Member: Facilitates our basic defense strategy, abides by our attack rules and is working through the beginning and intermediate concepts of our training course. A member may be of various levels.

Sergeant: Will be an active player and working their way through our training course. Sergeants support with troops without being asked to and will send resources to members who need them. They can offer training assistance to lower levels. Sergeants can bring to the recruiters attention any potential new members.

At this point, Sergeant's will be assessed as to their strengths and can either enter the Domestic or Foreign path of leadership. Domestic refers to matters dealing inside the alliance and Foreign will work with matters on the server and with other alliances and our branches.

General (Domestic): Will lead as defender. These Generals will be defense specialists and can assist as attacks come in with non-default setups to obtain the best possible outcome. They will also be trained to know when defending is NOT an option and provide other strategies to deter future attacks. Domestic Generals will also scout in the outer kingdoms for RV spawning. They will understand the patterns of the spawns and bookmark their next likely locations.

General (Foreign): Will lead and train as an expert in attacking. Will scout for approved glory targets, will assist lower-level members through RBC and Tower success. Will approve Shady attacks, have keen knowledge on who are our allies and the "No Hit" list. It is important that these Generals have the desire to enter the adventure events (Blades Coast, Thorn King, Berimond, etc) to gain attacking experience and be able to assist others.

Recruiter (Domestic): Will actively seek and vet new recruits to the alliance. They will be responsible for their 2-week probationary period. Monitoring their progress and give a recommendation as to whether they stay in TMB or go to The Darkside, for basic training. A recruiter will be always up-to-date with new mechanisms and challenges in the game and pass that along to the alliance at higher levels. Recruiter will actively communicate with the leadership of The Darkside to monitor the progress of the members there.

Diplomat (Foreign): Will be the go-to senior officer when we have issues with other alliances. Some matters are RVs, excessive Glory hits, accidental attacks. This position requires good communication skills and a calm demeanor. This is a person that will be preventing war or trying to end it. May attend or view family meetings.

Treasurer (Domestic): The keeper of the Alliance Fund. Is responsible for alliance bonuses to be applied after member Upgrade Surveys have been conducted. Encouraging our continued positive revenue and income. Will receive requests regarding the distribution of inherited OPs and RVs.

War Marshal (Foreign): Will oversee Generals in their training and will work with members on Advanced attacking or defending.  Will lead Generals and members in coordinated attacks. Will oversee our Storm Islands and Berimond campaigns. May attend or view family meetings. Will lead offensives in War.

Deputy (Domestic): Provide assistance to the Leader on Domestic (internal) matters and lead in their absence. Domestic Deputies will oversee training.  May attend or view family meetings.

Deputy (Foreign): Provide assistance to the Leader on Foreign policy and lead in their absence. Foreign Deputies will advise on any and all war matters, will actively communicate with Pact'd alliances. Is suggested to attend or view family meetings.

Leader (Domestic & Foreign): Will be active and do what is in the best interest of the alliance in all Domestic and Foreign matters. Will oversee training, the Treasury, and all battles. Will attend or view family meetings.

These are the expectations of each rank. If there is a position you are seeking, this guideline will help you get there. Please mention to a Deputy or the Leader what you would like to strive for, and they can offer you some assistance in how best to get there.